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Terminator: Dark Fate – Defiance Review (PC)

A rebellion is currently tearing through the Cartel outpost of New Tortuga, helped by my covert Founder teams. I’ve taken down mercenaries, fought a weird religious zealot, battled machine spiders in a dreadful arena, played infiltrator, and then infected dormant Terminators to distract hostiles while I smuggled weapons to those ready to rise up.

The rebels might not be as capable as my professionals but I garrison half of them in buildings, which should make them more effective. The rest are clearing a path through switchbacks towards a chopper, which will allow the rest of my force to join this fight. I’ve got some very capable rangers coming in, as well as a Stryker and a few Humvees. They should be enough to finish off these Cartel goons, especially given that my squads are trained and carry improved weaponry.

We might be battling other humans but the machines, aka wireheads, remain the bigger threat. To have a chance against them, it’s crucial to conserve powe… (read more)

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